Envita N-Fixing Bacteria for Corn and Other Crops Now Registered in Canada for the 2020 Growing Season
June 10, 2020Azotic North America hires John Squire Ph.D. as lead agronomist
February 20, 2021“New microbe might nix need for more nitrogen” – an interview with Ron Lyseng at Western Producer
One of the top Canadian agriculture publications The Western Producer recently interviewed Azotic NA President Nolan Berg on how Envita is part of a growing pool of biologicals helping to reduce farmers nitrogen use.
“There’s a growing pool of biologicals claiming to abscond with all that free nitrogen floating around in the atmosphere. One of the latest, Envita from Azotic, recently received Canadian registration.
With 78 percent of the atmosphere comprised of nitrogen, why shouldn’t it be free for the taking. According to Azotic, Envita helps leaves convert this abundant atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia for every cell in the plant throughout the entire growing season.
This fixation continues from the time of foliar application until the crop is ready for harvest. The company says Envita is best applied as a foliar so growers aren’t as dependent on timing, making it a good option for mid-season top dressing. The spray window extends up to V6 in corn. “Because this is an in-furrow biological that is not a fixed quantity of nitrogen dumped into the ground or onto the plant, it doesn’t slack off in mid-season Envita president Nolan Berg said.”
Read the full article here: https://www.producer.com/crops/new-microbe-might-nix-need-for-more-nitrogen/